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Know more about Asthma :-

Asthma is usually a chronic inflammatory disease which impacts the air passages which carry air through the nasal area as well as mouth to the lungs and also vice versa. Whenever a person is affected with asthma, he/she finds it hard to inhale outside air and therefore, feel suffocated as well as congested.

It may appear in people of all age ranges, from a 2-year old kid to the 50-year old man. Considering that, airways turn out to be swollen through asthma, muscles close to them get tightened, and that causes less air to circulate to the lungs.

Asthma is yet another illness that doesn’t have a permanent cure, even though, symptoms as well as adversity could be suppressed with treatments and methods, but it can break out at any point as well as any day.

The tendency to build up asthma is inherited, which is more prevalent among individuals who have allergies.

Types of Asthma:-

Allergic asthma as well as nonallergic asthma, with all the allergic form being more usual.

Allergic asthma grows in those who have allergies, and also the same ingredients (called allergens) that provoke their allergic reactions also trigger their particular asthma symptoms.

Both allergy and asthma symptoms would be the product of the overreaction by the body’s defense mechanism.

Common causes for allergic asthma:-

It consist of dust mites, pollen, mold, and also pet dander. Allergies may come from just about any substance.

While dust mites as well as pollen are generally airborne allergens, allergic asthma may also be triggered by a hypersensitive reaction to something ingested, such as strawberries.

Causes оf asthma range frоm simple cold аnd flu (allergic asthma) tо anxiety аnd stress (nоn allergic asthma). Asthma attack symptoms include difficulty іn breathing, loss оf consciousness and chest pain.

More importantly, іf nоt treated іn time, severe attacks саn even lead tо death.

Common asthma triggers :-

Common triggers include dust, pollen, animal dander, pollution, cockroach allergens, molds, strong smelling perfumes.

  • Psychological stress can bring on an attack or worsen the existing symptoms.
  • Stress alters the immune sensitivity of the body and makes the airways more susceptible to irritants, thus triggering an attack.
  • Acute bacterial and viral respiratory infections can trigger an attack.
  • Exercising is known to bring on an attack in some people.

Risk Factors of Asthma :-

During а serious asthma attack, thе sternocleidomastoid аnd scalene muscles оf thе neck аrе exerted causing thе sufferer tо turn blue due tо thе lack оf oxygen. Thе patient саn аlѕо suffer thе loss оf consciousness аnd just bеfоrе thе loss оf consciousness, thе patient feels numbness іn thе limbs аnd experiences sweaty palms. It іѕ caused bу thе interaction оf genetic аnd environmental factors.

Some of the symptoms of this chronic disease can be :-

  • Difficulty in Breathing.
  • Wheezing, a hissing sound at exhalation.
  • A frequent cough at night as well as a dry cough.
  • A sensation of tightness around the chest.
  • Tiredness after exercise and enhance pulse movement.
  • Lower part of eye may be darkening. Moodiness, headaches, running nose, etc…

While mild symptoms of asthma can be treated in a natural way at home and relief attained to a certain extent, but severe cases require immediate hospitalization in order to prevent loss of life and worsening of symptoms.

Best treatment :- These medications are mainly of two types:

  • Long-term anti-inflammatory drugs:

These drugs prevent asthma attacks by minimizing the swelling in the bronchial airways. It also prevents the build up of mucous, which can lead to an asthma attack.

  • Bronchodilators:

These ensure instant relief from the symptoms of an attack. They work by clearing the mucous from the lungs and opening up the tightened air passages quickly.

Apart from using medications, as person can also switch to various therapies to treat asthma. Breathing techniques, yoga, and muscle relaxation are some techniques that will help in relieving the symptoms of asthma.

Change your lifestyle, if you are an asthmatic patient

  • Exercise. Do it regularly, without overexerting yourself. Swimming and yoga are often recommended for people who suffer asthma, but any cardio will be good.
  • If you smoke, stop. If you live with someone who smokes, ask them to stop or to at least smoke outside.
  • Recognize and avoid your triggers. The most common ones are dust, mites, mildew, pollen, chemicals, pets and tobacco. Foods are also possible triggers, but way less common.
  • Learn your symptoms and how your illness works. Know which cases you can solve at home, and when to see a doctor.
  • Reduce your stress levels – they can start or aggravate your symptoms.
  • Eat healthy and maintain an adequate weight.

Talk to your doctor about medication to manage your asthma, and other recommendations for your particular lifestyle.

  1. Reply

    this was indeed a helpful article and i will follow preventive measures for the same.

    • Reply
      Anjali Kriplani

      Thank you samyak. Keep reading.

  2. Reply
    Zeel Patel

    Breathing properly is our necessity! Thanks a lot for sharing this. It’s indeed helpful.

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