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backacheThe pain can be mild, irritating in many ailments like leucorrhea and can be severe in sciatica or slipped disc.

Ice packs applied on area of inflammation helps to numb pain. A plastic bag and few crushed ice cubes are all you need for this treatment. Fasting for a short period can consume the ama which is the cause of your ailment. Herbs like Chanderprabha Vati, Kaishore Guggul are useful herbal remedies for backache due to leucorrhea and other gynaecological problems.

If you have chrnonic back pain, keep yourself warm and eat hot items.

Include herbs like Turmeric, Tulsi, Ginger and Garlic in your daily diet.

Boil ten tulsi leaves in one cup of water until the syrup is reduced to half a cup. Add salt to it after cooling. Take this mixture daily. For severe backache, take it twice a day.

Make a decoction of garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric in 100 ml water. Mix 100 ml Mustard Oil into it. Heat it and massage it in the back. It is most effective among herbal remedies for back pain.