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Weight Loss along with Yoga Therapy

What yoga actually is ?

weight-loss-along-with-yoga-therapy Yoga considered being more of aerobic exercise burns less calories during the workout compared to other strenuous workouts which are as effective. Yoga is a way of life. It is not merely a few exercises. It literally means ‘Balance / Union / integration’.

What is the importance of Yoga ?

Yoga is not a religion; it is a way of living that aims towards ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’.
Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being; yoga helps promote a balanced development of all the three. Other forms of physical exercises, like aerobics, assure only physical well-being. They have little to do with the development of the spiritual or astral body.
Yogic exercises recharge the body with cosmic energy and facilitate:

  1. Attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony
  2. Promotes self- healing.
  3. Removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body
  4. Enhances personal power
    Increases self-awareness
    Helps in attention, focus and concentration, especially important for children.
  5. Reduces stress and tension in the physical body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

What are the types of Yoga ? –

ASHTANGA yoga is the style of yoga named by Sri K Pattabhi Jois from Mysore India, a student of Krishnamacharya he coined it Ashtanga after chapter two of the yoga sutras of Patanjali, it means ‘eight limbs”.
VINYASA is the term that is used to describe the doing of the asanas accompanied by deep and slow breath. Yoga Sutra 2.47 says prayatna saintlily anantaram Pattabhi”, which means that effort (in asanas or poses) should be accompanied by smooth breath. Vinyasa also refers to what happens in the transition from one asana to another. Meaning that asanas are not to be practiced in isolation but rather there is a way of entering into each asana and a way of coming out, it is how the asanas get to be bound together.

BIKRAM is a self-made branding expert. He has one sequence which is practiced in a room at a very hot temperature, 103 or 106.

How do prepare for ASSAN ?

Breathing forms the basic part of Yoga. While you can learn the physical exercise by seeing, you cannot learn to breathe. If you breath wrong, Yogic practice won’t help you as much.

Begin with warm up. Basic stretching.

You can begin with ‘Surya Namaskar’. This is ideal for beginners.

Surya Namaskar traditionally does not form part of Yoga and old Yogic literature has no mention of it.
It seems to be a recent innovation!

Nevertheless, it manages to combine many asanas and create an excellent balance of forwarding / backward bending and breath.

The amazing part is that all Yoga practices have the same effect – the practice of Yoga Asana makes the spine fully functional in all 6 directions i.e., front & back, side to side and twisting in the opposite directions).

This, in turn, creates enough fire in the stomach which gives rise to high metabolism to digest anything (psychologically and physically).

Now the body becomes stronger due to better blood circulation and flow of breath, this helps in full functionality of all the vital organs of the body. All of the above leads to a happier mind and a healthy body.

What are the benefits of yoga ?

Self-awareness & mindfulness

Yoga helps you to become more aware of yourself, your motivations and subconscious actions/reactions. You will learn to listen to what your body needs – for instance if you really are hungry or if you just crave food because your blood sugar is low. This awareness can help you make better, conscious decisions about what and when to eat.

Boost of the lymphatic system

In a nutshell yoga helps your body to function more efficiently, flush out toxins and keep everything in order.

Stress reduction

Stress Eater anyone? Many of us tend to stuff our faces with sweets and unhealthy foods when we are stressed just because it makes us feel good.

But stress also releases adrenaline and cortisol. Cortisol increases our appetite which is the opposite of what you want if you want to lose weight.

By helping you to destress, yoga at least stops you from gaining weight. And obviously, less stress has other positive effects as well.

Improved digestion

Yoga improves your digestion which obviously is an integral part when it comes to weight control.

Increased strength and endurance

(muscular and cardiovascular).Yoga uses the weight of your own body to build overall strength. Core strength is especially important for good posture and balance. Having a strong core and knowing how to use it will help prevent other injuries both on and off your yoga mat.
There are other effects but I just wanted to make my point that yoga has more to offer than a simple workout. But simply put – yes, yoga can help you but only if you let it.