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1. Health – Major Factor!
Health has become a major concern in today’s society. In fast moving world, people are running like Usain bolt for earning money, only money. People are running because they want to earn money not healthy body. Most people aren’t concerned about their health, everyone is running because they have to earn more than their neighbours and relatives. Health has become lowest priority in their life.

It is considered as a mobile process because it is ever changing. Whenever there is a slight change in our surroundings observe, then we can always see changes in our health too. Health depends on our social locality in which we live and grow which affects an individual health in or another sense.

As said, “Health is wealth” or “A healthy mind lies in a healthy body”.

2. Healthy mind lies in a Healthy Body.

If you have gold, silver or crores, but if you don’t have good health, you can’t be happy. If you have a good health, then you can easily archive knowledge, wealth and happiness and can have most of it.

Being healthy does not solely mean healthy body but a healthy mind too. If you can think good you can receive good. To keep our mind healthy it is necessary for you to feed your mind with good thoughts and good food which keeps your mind active and fit.

3. Why is exercise is as important as Food?
Excerise is most important for healthy mind and body. It keeps you active and energetic. It won’t make you feel lethargic or lazy. More you exercise, more you live long. Walking on green grass, running, skipping are best physical excerises one can do in limited time.

Obesity is a condition of excess body fat. Obesity can affect any person from young children to older adults. There are many causes of obesity such as over-eating, genetics, hormones, the environment, and lack of physical activity. There are many effects of obesity like health issues, depression, eating disorders, and death.

4. Physical exercises and it’s Nnumerous Benefits

Today’s scenario a person who is diagnosed of depression is often asked to conduct physical activity because while doing physical excerises body produces hormones known as endorphins which improves your mood and keeps you happy all time and relieve you from stress.

Generally doctor recommend to people if you can’t excerise daily, then do it three or four days a week according to your body. Being physically active is important specially for those doing 9 hours of sitting job.

5. Why are Food and cleanliness are also Important Factor?

People don’t consume right food which affects their body as well as mind. They don’t intake proper amount of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals which affects the energy leading to collection of negative emotions in bodies there by aggravating anger, frustration and saddness causing stress. Stress affects very much to our Mind.

Food should include all nutritional supplements such as green vegetables, fruits and salads and plus fibers, fires improves your digestion activity.

Never ever skip your meals, don’t do deiting, eat less but never skip your meals. Infact, eat in gap of every 2 hours but eat less, don’t make yourself heavy while eating.

Drink water, more water, at least 8 glass per day, it removes toxins from our body which is really helpful for skin.

6.Why it is Necessary to keep Surroundings Clean?

Cleanliness is as necessary as food. All you have studied in your schools that keep your surroundings clean, cover your food etc etc.

Yes! They are absolutely right because cleanliness is a habit and habits develop at very young age that’s why these things are taught to you in junior school. Don’t let flies develop around you. You don’t know how many bacterias a fly can bring to your home. A disease – free body is a healthy body.

If you eat right food, right supplements but if you aren’t keepibg yourself clean or your surroundings clean then you won’t be able to keep yourself healthy for long time.

7. A Greatest Treasure

Heath is our greatest treasure. It is blessing, source of happiness and contentment, which money can’t buy. Money can buy you food, but not sound health.
Sound health is only source of happiness.
Sound health is directly proportional to happiness.
Keep healthy! Stay healthy! Stay happy.


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